Christian Books

Book Recommendations for Christian Understanding and Depth

A list of books to possibly help you on your personal journey and understanding of Christianity.

Stephen Legler
Jesus In Sandals
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2022


Study Books (Image by congerdesign from Pixabay)

The following resources are my list of books that may be of value as you are either seeking truth or want to have a firmer footing of your beliefs. Always be prepared to have an answer on why you believe.

The Bible

Of all the resources that are listed below, there is one resource that should be your primary, The Word of God.

  • and download the YouVersion Bible App (available on iOS and Android).

Try reading through the New Testament (pick* either NIV, ESV, or CSB as the version). There is as 60 Day New Testament Journey where you can either read it or have the Bible App read it to you.

*Note — If you have the Bible App read the words to you, I find the ESV or CSB to be better (voices) than the NIV. The NIV seems to be more of a computer reading text.

New, Beginner, and the Basics

More In-Depth

As I update and expand the list, if you have a few recommendations that I may have missed, please comment and let me know the name of the book and if you think it is for the beginner or more advance reading material.

*Affiliate Links — if you use the links to purchase any of the book recommendations from Amazon, I may receive a small commission through Amazon’s Affiliate Program.



Stephen Legler
Jesus In Sandals

Aspiring author. I’m passionate about discussing personal finance, religion, tech & occasionally politics. Follow and I’ll follow back. It’s great to meet you.