Rehearsal Dinner Wedding Speech

Stephen Legler
4 min readMay 14, 2022

The following is the rehearsal dinner wedding speech given by groom’s father


As the father of the groom, I find my role to be very interesting as I begin to welcome a new daughter into the family. I am filled with various emotions as I watch my son turn into a man and become the leader and husband of his new family.

I’ll be honest and say it is difficult. I know this boy (this young man). I know his weaknesses, his strengths, and all of the dirty secrets and challenges that he has overcome over the years. I’ve seen him go from that innocent young child into a hardworking, caring, sympathetic man that he is today.

I could not be prouder of him, and I am grateful for the woman he chose to be his bride. As I was preparing for the big day and had the honor and privilege to host the rehearsal dinner, I wanted to write a speech from the heart to both of them. Here is the speech that I delivered.

The Speech

Welcome everyone. On behalf of Misty and I, we want to thank each of you that are here tonight. I’m Stephen and this is my wife, Misty. We are Daniel’s mom and dad. I’m sure Mike and Jenny, Andrea’s parents, will agree when I say, “Each one of you are very special and important to both families that are coming together to celebrate Daniel and Andrea.”

There are a few things I want to say tonight.

First, I need to say to Andrea… No takesies backsies. In less than 24 hours, he is yours. There are no returns.

Second, I just want to say it is an honor to be up here in front of you all to share our love, support, and encouragement to Daniel and Andrea. Andrea, in a few hours, you will become a Legler. You get the best of us and the worst of us. I am glad that you are a part of the family and that the Lord saw fit to put you and Daniel together. You each have strengths and weaknesses and you guys complement each other well.

If I can share a few thoughts of wisdom for the two of you as you embark on this journey together:

  • Life is hard. Marriage is hard. I pray that you will lean in together and support each other through the ups and the downs. Make no mistake, there will be downs. But the two of you together and if you seek God’s wisdom, I have faith that you can endure whatever life throws at you.
  • Marriage is work. I pray that you guys won’t take each other for granted and won’t nitpick at all of the little things that may come your way. In reality, the little things don’t matter. Make time for each other. Continue to date each other. Continue to seek what is best for the other.
  • Marriage is a sacred bond. Whatever troubles come your way, you guys need to deal with it together. Don’t go to your moms and dads, your siblings, or even your friends. Truly, nobody wants to take sides and we don’t want to be in the middle. Seek God’s wisdom and when needed, know the difference between seeking wise counsel and just complaining about your spouse.
  • Marriage is a blessing and should be celebrated. Andrea’s mom and dad (Mike & Jenny) have been married for 34 years. Misty and I have been married for 21. When Misty and I got married, we made it our duty that divorce would never be an option. I hope and trust that our families have been great examples through your lives on how to model love, compromise, leadership, and submission. Misty always reminds me “you may be the head of the house, but I’m the neck.”

RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU HAVE BEEN MARRIED OVER 15 YEARS. Daniel, Andrea — these folks are a great source of wisdom and counsel.

  • Lastly, Marriage is fun. Keep a lighthearted spirit. Enjoy each other. Love each other. Celebrate each other. Lift each other up. Have an unrelenting desire to see the best from each other. Daniel, your dreams are now her dreams. Andrea, your dreams are now his dreams. Together, there isn’t anything that you cannot accomplish.

With that, Let’s Pray and then Let’s Eat.

Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for families, for friendships, and for relationships. I humbly ask you to bless Daniel and Andrea and I ask that you impart your wisdom into them. Protect their marriage and fill them with an everlasting love and enjoyment. Amen.

With Love

Daniel, Andrea — Misty and I love you both. We are so excited for the two of you to begin this journey and start the next chapter of your lives. We are so grateful that you both are wonderful, caring, and loving people. May God bless your marriage.

My Son and soon to be daughter-in-law



Stephen Legler

Aspiring author. I’m passionate about discussing personal finance, religion, tech & occasionally politics. It’s great to meet you.